MA Lighting International GmbH
An der Talle 24-28
33102 Paderborn
+49 52 51 68 88 65 10
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Management change
Lightpower Holding founded and new management team introduced
After 42 years of successful activity on the market, it is time for our company to take another step.
Over the years, our company has developed and established numerous national and international business activities. In order to give these businesses a common roof, we have founded the Lightpower Holding company. The task of this holding company is to act as a control centre for all underlying companies and to develop future strategies in close cooperation with their Managing Directors.
The establishment of the holding company is also accompanied by a change in the management of the Lightpower GmbH. As part of this process, Herbert Marx and Michael Rickers will succeed Ralph-Jörg Wezorke, Managing Director of Lightpower and Franz-Josef Wewer, authorized representative of Lightpower.
As joint Managing Director, Herbert Marx is responsible for sales, marketing and purchase. Herbert Marx, a well-known personality within our industry, is appointed to the management board. Having been with the company for twelve years, Herbert Marx initially worked as marketing manager before he took over as Director of Sales.
Michael Rickers also becomes joint Managing Director and concentrates on the areas of finance, human resources and organisation. Michael has been with Lightpower for three years now. Prior to this, Michael Rickers was responsible for finance and controlling at a German Bundesliga football club for several years.
In addition, the management of MA Lighting International GmbH will also change on 1st April 2020.
From this date, Stephan Saremba will take over this position from Glyn O'Donoghue, who will in future concentrate entirely on his duties as Managing Director of Ambersphere Solutions (MA Distributor United Kingdom).
Stephan Saremba's most recent position was Senior Director Sales and Marketing EMEA and prior to that Regional Director Central Europe for Harman Professional Solutions.
The Lightpower Holding company will be managed by Ralph-Jörg Wezorke and his son Philipp Wezorke. In times of mergers and acquisitions, we are clearly focusing on our continuity as a family business.
The course for the future has been set. Philipp Wezorke will take over the management of the holding company step by step, while Ralph-Jörg Wezorke will provide support as an advisor and manager with his extensive knowledge of the industry.
In the course of his training as an event technology specialist and several years of freelance work, Philipp Wezorke has become fully acquainted with our industry. In addition, he has also successfully completed his studies in business administration.
With this expanded structure, we are ready to face future challenges. A passion for the industry, a first-class service package and the care of personal contacts will remain our greatest assets.
If you have any questions about our realignment, please do not hesitate to contact us.
On the picture (from left to right): Michael Rickers, Herbert Marx, Ralph-Jörg Wezorke, Philipp Wezorke, Stephan Saremba