MA Lighting International GmbH
An der Talle 24-28
33102 Paderborn
+49 52 51 68 88 65 10
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Your Stories
Thank you, you guys are amazing.
Since our call, we've already received such great submissions telling your story with MA.
We have already shared some of them on our Instagram channel. We will continue to do so.
Here we would like to show you even more.

With every submission you do something good!
For each of your submissions we donate to these great organizations.
You can find more information here.
I started programing MA3 and MA2 in 2022 (I was only 13 years old). I am passionate in this industry and I really love your product. I start learning MA with MAonPC. After I start to make some show at my school and now 1 year later I work as a lighting engineer in an arena.
I am still learning with only a PC and the beautiful software except when I am at the arena and that's all.
It´s a small story but I wanted to share it with you.
Gabriel Marchand
My name is Moritz and I am 12 years old.
I am a huge fan of MA Lighting and my biggest dream is to become a lighting technician.
I already built my first grandMA with Lego at the age of 5. Over the years I gained experience and started with different, simple DMX controllers. Since I didn't have so many possibilities with these consoles, I wanted to switch to the dot2 for a long time. This console has for my circumstances suitable functions with which I can already handle well. At Europa Park I have already programmed and run shows with grandMA. I also have very good lights from Robe and Clay Paky, but unfortunately no professional console hardware.
Meanwhile, I work on my dot2 onpc via a played out universe. I dream a lot of a real hardware variant though.
I want so much to do my shows live and continue to present in front of real audiences.
When I grow up, I will definitely become an event technician.
The first time I saw an MA console was on a bookshelf, here at our Sales Director office. This looking-like salt dough model arose my curiosity and I tried to figure out what it was looking like for real, and also what could be expected from it! I've learnt a lot since that time and can say they look much more beautiful for real, and very popular in every venue I visit!
PS: I've been told it is also good to eat (the model, not the real console)... Never dared to do it so far!
Séverine Zucchiati
Robert Juliat
I discovered the world of lighting after watching a Christian Jackson video and I immeadiately fell in love with MA and lights. I started offering my school lights and now I'm doing the biggest event in my school (graduation party) I'm 15 now and lighting has changed my life.
Gustaw Tomaszewski
Hey, my name is Luca Hagen, I’m 16 years old and from Austria.
I was about 6 years old when I was on holiday in Antalya with my father and every single evening there was a big show. At that time, I had no idea how it would affect my future life and hobbies. The only thing I was looking at were the 6 Moving Heads, which were just randomly moving and were projected a few Gobos onto the wall. And due to my lifelong interest in technology, these six Moving Heads have inspired me to create light shows at home using flashlights and an old projector. I remember vividly, my cousins of the same age organized a fashion show during a family party, and I just wanted to do the lighting and everything behind the scenes. The first contact with a grandMA2 onPC wing was at 11, I guess. It was at the After-show Party of the World Gymnastrada 2019 here in Vorarlberg. It were just a few lights and some random colors and movements but I had so much fun playing with the lights, that at that moment, I knew, this is what I want to do in the future! In the last few years I have done lighting at many parties, festivals, and events in my town. The best experience on my lighting journey so far was, when I first worked with a grandMA3 Light running on Mode 3. I am currently studying. I am currently working hard to improve my skills in Mode 3 because I believe that Mode 3 will become the industry standard, primarily due to its Phaser feature and recipes. My biggest dream is not to eventually drive an expensive sports car or own a huge villa, but to be able to one day buy my own grandMA3 Light. When the Eurovision Song contest was over, I picked out my favorite songs from there and tried building the stage in 3d and I am still programming some songs with that stage.
Luca Hagen
We used an grandMA2 on our School-Party! The Party was very amazing!
Video Link:
Fabian Ruhl
Gymnasium Neubiberg
Last year, I was finishing my college's graduation. I served as the technical coordinator for our cultural festival, which was held in May. I had the chance to design the stage. I later participated a musical fest named INDIEGAGA I also had the opportunity to see how programming is carried out on an MA console and how the LDs experiment with the effects engine in grandMA2, which was an incredible experience for me. Later, I began training myself to use an MA console. Now I am a freelance LD.
Albin Biju
The grandMA3 is my favourite desk.... I am a 14yr old (almost 15) boy who is very interested in lighting for huge events. My biggest dream is to own my own grandMA3 and perhaps run the next coronation concert on one! I have gotten involved with many companies to get work experience, e.g. Neg Earth or SFL. I have loved lighting from the age of 8 despite no one in my family in the industry, I will definitely work in this industry and already have so many contacts.
Samuel Hagger
Great Britain
100% MA user, I love the versatility and professionalism of our grandMA1...grandMA2...grandMA3... tables, without a doubt my favorite platform. I am a MA user for all kind of shows, big or small, I have a long trajectory in the show business recognized by many companies worldwide.... WHO I AM guillermo ( MEMO ) fighter and friend of the industry. LOVE AND PASSION TO ILLUMINATE...
Guillermo Leon Castro Mejia
Latam iluminadores
I am a grandMA2/grandMA3 user for years and I have a little daughter. She already has a weakness for light switches with 1,5 years. So it is very difficult, if you have a lively child which makes a light show with two switches after an event with 1-2 hours of sleep.
Therefore, I thought, I build my daughter her own little light console :) and so ended up the GrandDAD3 :) and a happy little girl that plays for hours with her own light console :)
Johannes Wetzinger
My journey started in 2003, I was introduced to the grandMA working in the Moving Light department where I stored my first Sequence, ever since then the grandMA has become my daily driver.
Over the years, I have been fortunate to have had many opportunities, made new friends, and found mentors, all while being a part of the MA Family. The experience has been truly heartwarming.
Aaron Thomas
Lightology Australia
I’m freelance lighting designer work in this field last 30 years. I'm 45 year old during covid I have heart attack after that i hospitalised then my heart angioplasty surgery done two arteries blocked. During covid I also help my backstage light and sound technician provide food in new Delh and orher state also.
Milind Srivastava
Freelancer lighting designer
My story is short: when I learned about MA, I thought it is something hard and unreachable for me, but every day during the learning process I catched myself thinking that MA think's logically as I do and it was cool. So today in my town (Kaluga) all stages are having different MA consoles on board and it's cool to come with beer to colleagues as a guest and to easily do the work at any time at any stage - and we all understand what we are talking about. So, go further together.
Evgenii Karman
Moscow Theatre of Young Spectators (in Tsaritsino)
I have the whole story of our Command Wing in a Sway:
Many greetings and have fun
Felix Größler
studiotem u311
Hello my name is Gabriel, I'm 20 years old and I live in the city of Passa Tempo, state of Minas Gerais in Brazil.
I've always liked lighting since I was a little boy, discovering consoles and light control methods until I got to know the MA Lighting consoles.
This revolutionized the lighting programming method for me, being the most powerful system reliable and stable, since then I have never stopped using MA Lighting platforms as a programming solution.
Gabriel Augusto de Sousa
Gabriel Light Designer
Some years ago during a corporate event with a grandMA1 full-size, one orator go to stage border, so, of course, I took the relative fixtures and in fine mode move that, but after some seconds I see the fixtures move litte bit itself in random mode...,ahahah whats appenen !!?? ....close to the big yellow p/t ball was a box of same size oranges that was eating the standing director .. him taked instead of the real fruit the p/t ball....the wonder of this craft...
Martire Davide
My first encounter with grandMA was in 2017 at a music festival here in India. I wasn't familiar about the console workings then however, the house LD was kind enough to help me with the programming of the show since I worked on a different platform before. Post the show and just before leaving the site, the house LD jokingly asked me to come prepared to work only on an MA when I see him next time :) I took those words pretty seriously and after exploring the platform for a few years, I finally invested in my own console and since then there has been no stopping!
grandMA changed my way of thinking about lighting design. It helped me streamline my workflow, it also helped me open my programming mind with newer set of ideas on multi-disciplinary events such as Prateek Kuhad Asia Tour, Lollapalooza Festival (India) to even my recent shows with comedian Zakir Khan at the iconic venues, Sydney Opera House and Melbourne Palais Theatre and many more. . I am very fortunate to travel all-around of the world in good company with my partner on the road, the grandMA console!
Naveen Deshpande
Ground Control
My name is Ebbe and I am 17 years old. In the winter of 2022 I came across the Youtuber Christian Jackson and so I came across MA/dot2. Since then 7 months have passed. I presented my first lightshow for my birthday and did something for my school
( Currently I'm building my own light console that will use dot2 and grandMA3. For that I will probably get another MA3 node.
Ebbe Baß
I started at 12 years old, when I joined the lighting team at my church. I quickly was able to pick up on programming, and I was regarded as the best lighting designer at the church. I started to go to restaurants and was able to program for them. I’m now 13 and I love where this has taken me.
Jorge Hernandez
United States